A47 Eastbound
This is the location of an ex-Little Chef building. My last known visit was in December 2007.
January 2009 – Little Chef
March 2011 – Little Chef
June 2015 – Rebuilding works
August 2016 – Country Lounge
October 2018 – Country Lounge
June 2021 – Rutland Point
Morcott is probably my most visited Little Chef. Back in the day, I used to visit Rutland Water a lot, and I often stayed at the adjoining Travelodge.
The Travelodge is now a Redwings Lodge and the Little Chef building was refurbished into a Country Lounge cafe bar that opened in 2015. Later, in 2020 the building became Rutland Point, a restaurant and bar specialising in Indian cuisine. It also has six guest rooms.